Friday, July 25, 2008

Just walking the dog and mumbling to herself, though wherever she goes the green monkey tags along. Obviously there is no explanation for this. One night after an ever increasing bout of imaginative faith leaping or maybe out of self-indulgence, she decides on a different route for a change. The chittering monkey gives the V's, playfully apeing a peaceful hippy smoking a joint, flips his fingers over and belligerently gives the piss sign. He has a way of jumping that cannot be contained within an order of meaning. For the dogs, desire must be firmly wedded to the pure elevation and detachment of the bark instinct. When the spirit of play dies, murder is sure to follow. Bollocks.

Realising she's just said all this aloud on the bus at rush hour, Krip bounces off onto the pavement, strangulating Nigger the dog in the process."Wish I had a fucking lead to put you on, cunt", she mutters. As usual the monkey doesn't listen to a thing she says and suddenly bounds onto her head, pulling at her eyelids and farting loudly. Everyone around her pretends they haven't heard or seen anything. This really happened to her, though with different spirits plus mixer.

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