Friday, July 25, 2008

After hiring a car we went to the other side of the island which took about 45mins cos I was speeding...I am writing this backdated .. - The Cocteau Twins - pearly semen whoops drops has cum on the radio !£$@ Sorry, keep forgetting the necessity of garden pathing when in polite conversation. Dead end nerves. I had to walk them off after driving for about 2 hours or so until we got lost and hungry. You wouldn't eat in a restaurant/buy anything off those dodgy spanish speaking natives. They were staring at us like we look weird? As ferk. The familiar Macdonalds. I go to the khasi and find this scrawled in kohl pencil on the door:
Paras mis ninas
amigos come nosotr(i?)asson
dificileo de encontrar
dificiles de entendere
impossible de olividar os hiero
This is !@SIGNIFICANT** but there is no explaining why. Not to those for whom talking is in and listening is so passe. The problem with communication is there is too much of it. But then again I am certifiably insane and the fella who came up with this idea threw himself out of a window several years ago.
After loading up on beer we sped back to the hotel. Madness lies in the reading (Brewster, 2000) Or thereabouts.

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